Millionaires aren’t different from you; they just think and see the world differently. If you’ve a millionaire’s mindset, you’ll be a self-made millionaire one day…or maybe, you’re already a self-made millionaire!


Habit #1: They create their own destiny.

They never blame, justify and criticize like ordinary people. Most of you know who the reason of your failure is and, you keep blaming him/ her hence, you keep failing! It is not the power attitude. It is the attitude of being victim. You fail because someone did not do something on time or, things did not happen as expected. In short, you always become victim to something or some plot beyond your control, hence you fail. You are training your sub-conscious mind to fail, … how not to succeed. But the self-made millionaires know that when they blame and criticize, they will be projecting themselves as a victim only.

Habit #2: Rich people play money game to WIN but most people play money game NOT TO LOSE.

What is the difference between these two? When you take risk – you may win, you may not win … but when you do not, one thing is sure – you are never going to win. Rich people play money game to WIN megabucks whereas most people play money game just to get enough money for themselves. Think about last time when you got money – where did you invest it? Did you invest in the savings account, in fixed deposits or, in shares and stock market? The first two types of investments are investments made to play safe – since the risk is low, the reward is also low! But if you did invest in the stock market – go, and give yourself a pat on back from my side – you took risk, and if you calculated well then there should be no doubt that you would not get reward that is going to be 300 -400 percent of what you’ll get in the first two types of investments. By taking the third option you are displaying your risk taking ability – you are thinking like a millionaire and playing the money game to WIN and NOT TO LOOSE.

Habit #3: Rich people are 100% committed to be rich.

Let me ask you one question…Do you want to be rich? You might say ‘Of course, I want to be rich, I wouldn’t invest in this opportunity if I don’t want to be rich.’ Let me ask you another question … what did you do in last six months towards achievement of that goal? If you don’t have any answer, remember that you are not alone here. Most people only WISH to be rich, they don’t want to be proactive towards that goal because they don’t mind not being rich – they are at ease with their present status. Rich people have a strong desire to be rich and successful. They know that becoming rich is their top priority and they just cannot accept not being rich.

Habit #4: Delayed gratification vs Instant gratification.

What keeps most people from being rich is the habit of wanting instant gratification. Instant gratification is the habit of always wanting to enjoy now and not having the patience to wait for future benefits. As a result these people spend a lot more than they invest. When it comes to investing in books and seminars etc, they will always think twice as they have to wait for future benefits. One has to look beyond what is apparent. You have to think about the long term benefits and have just a little patience to postpone the urge to spend. That is how you make your corpus of fund.

Habit #5: Rich people think BIG.

Agree, you take small steps but, you have to keep the long term goal in mind. Rich people set challenging goals for themselves and take massive action – at once or over the time, but they don’t dither their goal at all.

Habit #6: Rich people focus on opportunity.

They say, ‘Opportunity never comes, it is always there.’ It is true; you just got to have the eyes to recognise an opportunity. Opportunity is always accompanied with obstacles. It’s like a package; you cannot just take opportunity and ‘throw’ the obstacles away. There will be times when you see an excellent opportunity to invest somewhere but, you might not be having a penny. When you have money you would be too old. What to do then? When there are challenges and obstacles, most people will focus on them and then give excuses like ‘I’m too young’, ‘I don’t have enough money’ and eventually got them into believing that they are doomed to be poor forever. Rich people focus on opportunity instead of obstacles.

Habit #7: Rich people respect and love money.

As many of us grow up, we may unknowingly pick up many limiting beliefs and painful associations towards money from our family, friends, teachers etc. If you come from a poor or a middle class family, you might be taught that ‘money does not grow on trees’, ‘investing is risky’, ‘money will change you’, ‘save money for rainy days’ ‘money is the root cause of all evil’ etc, etc. As a result, your subconscious mind associates so much fear and negative feelings towards money that it will stop you from becoming rich. Your inner mind won’t allow you to become rich as it would give you more ‘problems’ or ‘make you a bad person’.

However, you must understand that your parents and teachers taught you that because they thought they were passing a good advice. Very often, they themselves have negative associations towards money and that is why they remained poor themselves … and then they choose to pass this advice to younger generations also! Remember, money is not good or bad – it is the way the money is earned, which can be good or bad and the way it is put to use.

Habit #8: Always do more than expected.

Rich people are value creators. Value creators have the habit to do a lot more than what is expected. If they are paid 3,000 bucks, they will work as if they are being paid 10,000 bucks! If they are expected to generate 20,000 worth of profits, they will create 50,000 worth of value! These people are the one who get promoted super fast even if they are in a job and get their income doubling or tripling every year.

The habit does not only apply on employees, it applies to anyone from super stars to entrepreneur. When Michael Jordan was interviewed and asked how he became the world’s greatest basketball player, he replied, ‘I expect more from myself than anyone would ever expect from me! When my coach expects me to train 3 times per week, I would train 5 times. When my coach expects me to score 15 points for each game, I would score 36 points! That is why I’m the best in the world’.

Habit #9: Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their values.

What is your net worth? What values do you stand for? Have you ever stood fast for the defence of your values? Why do you think rich people are associated with charities? To show off their money … ? No, it is for the principles that they want to follow in their life. It also gives them a platform for networking and improving their interpersonal and the business skills.

Habit #10: Rich people are BIGGER than their problems.

When problem comes many ordinary people just get discouraged and let the problem be there without resolving it. Remember where there is opportunity there are bound to be problems too. Rich people find their way out of these problems.

Habit #11: Rich people get paid based on results.

People who work or, are paid by hour, can never get rich. They are basically serving others. If you think you have to finish a work in X number of hours and you actually take that much – you then have the attitude of a worker and not that of entrepreneur. Rich people know that the worst possible way to be financially independent is to sell your time. They choose to make money based on performance and results and not on time. Always try to save your time. If a work is to be done in one week try to do it in five days itself.

Habit #12: Rich people think BOTH.

Most people think that if you want to earn lots of money, you’ll have to sacrifice other stuff. Rich people believe that you can earn megabucks without sacrificing anything. You don’t have to sacrifice your hobbies. Just keep in mind, you have to try and get to know as many people around as possible – keep on networking, keep on building bridges. And yes, you don’t over-indulge into something that is taking lots of your time or something that distracts you from your main goal.

Habit #13: Rich people focus on their net worth.

People with big cars or house are not necessarily rich. They may have lots of loans and debts. You have got to know what you assets and liabilities are. For example, a car taken with a loan is not an asset, it is a liability – you have to pay the EMI and it has got running costs as well. If your liabilities are more, then your net worth is low. Try to improve your net worth. Even banks and financial institutions like venture capitalists now a days look at your net worth before giving you a loan. This is not a joke, – for getting a loan you have to prove that you don’t require it, … by proving that you have sufficient net worth! It shows your financial management skills as well.

Habit #14: Rich people manage their money well.

They take calculated risk before investing their money. Most people spend most of their money and time on luxury things after getting their pay checks. But rich people invest their money and time in opportunities that help their money grow. Think about asset building always because, that only is going to increase your net worth.

Habit #15: Most people quit because of fear, doubt and worry.

Remember the time you wanted to learn riding a bicycle. How many times did you actually fall on ground? Did you quit learning bicycle? We were about 100 students at the start in medical school. Some of them actually dropped out in the first year itself. What do you think the rest did? Did they quit the medical school? No, all others went on to graduate with medical degree and most of them are today faring much better than the people who quit in the first year. Rich people act in spite of FEAR, DOUBT and WORRY.

Habit #16: Rich people constantly learn and grow.

Rich people are willing to learn from other people without looking at others’ education, age etc. What about you? Doesn’t your ego, pride – as you call it, get into your way? Life of each one of us is an example. Keep an eye open to learn something. Keep asking and, don’t let your age, education or ego come in between you and your learning attitude.

Habit #17: Rich people have their money work hard for them.

Rich people know how to look for an opportunity, invest in it and then see their money ‘growing’ by letting it work for them. But most people work for money itself and that is it! They may work hard but ultimately they sacrifice their time for more money rather than letting it work for them.

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Mohamed_AttaTo the earth, I was the master,

Till my greed turned into disaster;

And now I die in my youth,

For what I always thought was the truth.


Thirsty, drenched, lying on the ground,

Bleeding, waiting for the death to hound;

Countless others who died just before,

september_11_burningAre asking me the reasons for.


There is no flesh, there is no bone;

In its prime, my story is gone;

Above me, the sizzling sun mocks,

Deep below the pinching rocks.


Where are the Mullahs, where is the fun,

Where is the heaven, where are harems;

That all was a bluff, now I know,

But I had just come, and now I go.



PS:  As Christians we all hate the Islamic terrorists as well as those who brainwash them into such acts, but what about these lines?

“Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and they separate from you, and shall reproach you and cast out your name as evil, for the son of man’s sake. Rejoice ye, in that day and leap for joy, behold, your reward is in heaven.”

Luke 6:22



shcSpontaneous human combustion (SHC) is the alleged burning of a person’s body completely or partially without any apparent, identifiable reason and/or external source of ignition. The combustion may vary in severity from as mild as simple burns and blisters to the skin to a complete incineration of the body.


SHC was first documented in early texts as the Bible, but, scientifically speaking, these accounts are too old and often second hand to be seen as reliable evidence.

Over the past 300 years, there have been more than 200 reports of persons burning to a crisp for no apparent reason.

In 1673 for the first time Frenchman Jonas DuPont published a collection of cases of SHC in the form of a book called “De Incendiis Corporis Humani Spontaneis” after encountering records of the Nicole Millet case, in which a man was acquitted of the murder of his wife when the court was convinced that she had been killed by spontaneous combustion. Millet, a hard-drinking Parisian was found reduced to ashes in her straw bed, leaving just her skull and finger bones. The straw matting was only slightly damaged. DuPont’s book on this strange subject brought it out of the realm of folkloric rumour and into the popular public imagination.SHC02

April 9, 1744, in Ipswich England, 60 year old alcoholic Grace Pett, was found on the floor by her daughter in a state of  “a log of wood consumed by a fire, without apparent flame.” Nearby clothing was undamaged in this case.

Then many authors started putting such stories in their books. One such author was Captain Marryat who, in his novel “Jacob Faithful”, borrowed details from a report in the Times of London of 1832 to describe the death of his lead character’s mother, who is reduced to “a sort of unctuous pitchey cinder.”

Twenty years later, in 1852, Charles Dickens used Spontaneous Human Combustion to kill off a character named Krook in his novel “Bleak House”.

George Henry Lewes, philosopher and critic, declared that SHC was impossible, and derided Dickens’ work as perpetuating an uneducated superstition. Dickens then responded to this statement in the preface of the 2nd edition of his work, making it quite clear that he had researched the subject and knew of about thirty cases of SHC. The details of Krook’s death in Bleak House were directly modelled on the details of the death of the Countess Cornelia de Bandi Cesenate by this extraordinary means; the only other case that Dickens actually cites details from is the Nicole Millet account that inspired DuPont’s book about 100 years earlier.

On July 2, 1951 the Mary Reeser case found the public interest in Spontaneous Human Combustion. She was found reduced to a pile of ashes, a skull, and a completely undamaged left foot in her apartment in St. Petersburg, Florida.

On May 18, 1957, Anna Martin, 68, of West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was found incinerated, leaving only her shoes and a portion of her torso. The medical examiner estimated that temperatures must have reached 1,700 to 2,000 degrees, yet newspapers two feet away were found intact.

On December 5, 1966, the ashes of Dr. J. Irving Bentley, 92, of Coudersport, Pennsylvania, were discovered by a meter reader apparently ignited while he was in the bathroom and burned a 1 by 1.5 metre hole through the flooring, with only a portion of one leg remaining intact. Nearby paint on the bathroom wall was untouched.

In 1944 Peter Jones, survived this experience and reported that there was no sensation of heat nor sighting of flames. He just saw smoke. He stated that he felt no pain.


Spontaneous Human Combustion is not a natural phenomenon. There are many theories put forward to explain this bizarre phenomenon – two most prominent of which are – the non-spontaneous “wick effect” fire, and the rare discharge called “static flash fires”. Although scientifically it can be shown that the human body contains enough energy stores in the form of fat and other tissues to consume it completely, in normal circumstances bodies will not sustain a flame on their own.


Many Spontaneous Human Combustion victims were chronic alcoholics. But experiments in the 19th century demonstrated that flesh impregnated with alcohol will not burn with the intense heat associated with Spontaneous Human Combustion.


Many victims were overweight but a few were lean and thin also. It was proposed then that body fat stores could have lead to spontaneous combustion.


It was also taken as a sign from God, as divine punishment.


Electrical fields that exist within the human body might be capable of ‘short circuiting’ somehow, that some sort of atomic chain reaction could generate tremendous internal heat. Build-up of static electricity was also proposed as one of the hypotheses for triggering spontaneous combustion of human beings. Similarly, an explosive combination of chemicals formed inside the digestive system – due to poor diet was also considered as a possible cause.

No satisfactory explanation of Spontaneous Human Combustion has yet come to be accepted as full proof reason.


The body is normally more severely burned than one that seen after a normal fire. The burns are not distributed evenly over the body; the extremities are usually untouched by fire, whereas the torso usually suffers severe burning. It suggests temperatures of above 2000 to 3000 degree Fahrenheit occurring suddenly in human torso.

In some cases the torso is completely destroyed, the bones being reduced completely to ash.

In some, small portions of the body (an arm, a foot, maybe the head) may remain unburned.

Objects immediately associated with the body are charred but the fire never spread away from the body. SHC victims have been seen burnt up in bed without the sheets catching fire, clothing worn is often barely singed, and flammable materials only inches away remain untouched.

A greasy soot deposit covers the ceiling and walls, usually stopping three to four feet above the floor.

Objects above this may show signs of heat damage (melted candles, cracked mirrors, etc.)


All reported cases have occurred indoors. Some events of Spontaneous Human Combustion were witnessed but some were not. The victims were always alone for a long period of time. Witnesses who were nearby (in adjacent rooms) report never hearing any sounds, such as cries of pain or calls for assistance.

In the witnessed combustions – people are actually seen by witnesses to explode into flame; most commonly. Here the witnesses agree that there was no possible source of ignition and/or that the flames were seen to erupt directly from the victim’s skin. Unfortunately, most of the known cases of this type are poorly documented and basically unconfirmed. Sometimes there are no flames seen by the witness.

Non-fatal cases – Unfortunately, the victims of these events generally have no better idea of what happened to them than do the investigators; but the advantage to this grouping is that a survivor can confirm if an event had a simple explanation or not. Thus, there are far fewer cases of Spontaneous Human Combustion with survivors that can be explained away by sceptics without a second look.

Spontaneous Human Combustion is till date an unsolved mystery.