तुम्हारे लौटने तक..

मैं झूठ नहीं कहूँगा।
सब कुछ हमेशा अच्छा नहीं होता।
सभी साथ देने वाले नहीं मिलतें।
सभी तमन्नाएं पूरी नहीं होतीं।
सारे हिसाब सही-सही नहीं बैठते हैं।
मगर क्या और कौन कितना रहेगा यह हम खुद तय कर सकतें हैं।
हर रौशनी के साथ एक साया भी आता है।
तुम रौशनी के साथ रहोगे या साये की ही फिक्र करते रहोगे, यह तुम पर निर्भर करता है।
बची हुई उम्र में कुछ करने का जज्बा साथ होगा या सिर्फ बीती हुई उम्र का अफसोस, यह चुनाव तुम करोगे।
जो तुम्हारे दिल में नहीं बसते, पर तुम्हारे दिमाग में उथल-पुथल मचाते हैं, वह तुम्हारी इजाजत से ही होता है।
पर, तुम खुद से दूर जाते रहोगे या हाथ बढ़ा कर रोक लोगे खुद को, यह मैं तुम पर छोड़ता हूँ।
वक्त ज्यादा नहीं है, पर मैं इंतजार करुँगा – तुम्हारे विवेक के लौटने का, तुम्हारे लौटने का, तुम तक।✍🏻😊

Some inspiring parables

Parable Number 01:

A crow was sitting on a tree, doing nothing all day.

A small rabbit saw the crow, and asked him, “Can I also sit like you and do nothing all day?

The crow answered: “Sure, why not?”

So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the crow, and rested.

All of a sudden, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit and ate it.

Lesson: To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high up.

Parable Number 02:

A turkey was chatting with a bull.

“I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree,” sighed the turkey, “but I haven’t got the energy.”

“Well, why don’t you nibble on some of my droppings?” replied the bull, “They’re packed with nutrients.”

The turkey pecked at a lump of dung and found that it actually gave him enough strength to reach the first branch of the tree.

The next day, after eating some more dung, he reached the second branch.

Finally after a fourth night, there he was proudly perched at the top of the tree.

Soon, he was spotted there by a farmer, who promptly shot the turkey out of the tree.

Lesson: Bullshit might get you to the top, but it won’t keep you there.

Parable Number 03:

A little bird was flying south for the winter.

It was so cold, the bird froze and fell to the ground in a large field.

While it was lying there, a cow came by and dropped some dung on it.

As the frozen bird lay there in the pile of cow dung, it began to realize how warm it was.

The dung was actually thawing him out!

He lay there all warm and happy, and soon began to sing for joy.

A passing cat heard the bird singing and came to the sound.

The cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung, and promptly dug him out and ate him!

Lesson: Not everyone who drops shit on you is your enemy. Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend. And when you’re in deep shit, keep your mouth shut!

Parable Number 04:

The boy rode on the donkey and the old man walked.

As they went along, they passed some people who remarked, “it is a shame the old man is walking and the boy is riding.”

The man and boy thought – maybe the critics were right, so they changed positions.

Later, they passed some other people who remarked, “What a shame, he makes that little boy walk.”

They decided they both would walk!

Soon they passed some more people who thought they were stupid to walk when they had a decent donkey to ride.

So, they both then rode the donkey!

Now, they passed some people that shamed them by saying “how awful to put such a load on a poor donkey.”

The boy and man said they were probably right so they decided to carry the donkey.

As they crossed a bridge, they lost their grip on the animal and he fell into the river and drowned.

Lesson: If you try to please everyone, you will eventually lose your ass.

Parable Number 05:

One morning an elderly man was walking on a nearly deserted beach.

He came upon a boy surrounded by thousands and thousands of starfish.

As eagerly as he could, the youngster was picking them up and throwing them back into the ocean.

Puzzled, the older man looked at the young boy and asked, “Little boy, what are you doing?”

The youth responded without looking up, “I’m trying to save these starfish, sir.”

The old man chuckled aloud, and queried, “Son, there are thousands of starfish and only one of you. What difference can you make?”

Holding a starfish in his hand, the boy turned to the man and, gently tossing the starfish into the water, said, “It will make a difference to that one!”

Lesson: Help is in doing, not in saying!

Money Is Your Reward For Serving Others

(Disclaimer: This is not my article, I am presenting it only for general interest. All rights for this article rests with the author.)

By Bob Proctor / Source: The Science of Getting Rich

There is a very real possibility that everything you and I have been taught about how to earn money is so far from the truth that it’s almost comical.

Earning money has nothing to do with age, formal education, gender or geography. It has nothing to do with past experience or your formal years of education or your level of intellect.

There are individuals who are functionally illiterate who have become multimillionaires, while there are others who are absolutely brilliant and they are broke. Virtually anyone can be taught how to earn millions of dollars and yet the sad truth is that 97 out of every 100 people are born, live their entire lives, and die without ever learning how to earn money. To perpetuate this ridiculous problem, their ignorance is passed along from one generation to the next.

Our school system has been designed as an environment to enlighten young minds, to replace ignorance with understanding and ultimately improve the quality of life. And though our educational system has obviously been successful in many areas, it has woefully neglected one important subject, ”How to Earn Money.”

A lack of understanding in this area is the cause of numerous unwanted and unnecessary problems, since money is the medium of exchange that is used worldwide for other people’s products and services.

The Real Source of Wealth

There has always been a small, select group, approximately 3% of our population, who clearly understand that prosperity consciousness is the primary cause of wealth and their prosperity consciousness, like ignorance, is also passed down from one generation to the next.

Let’s look at ”money.” What is it?

Money is a reward you receive for the service you render. The more valuable the service, the greater the reward. Thinking of ways we can be of greater service will not only help us earn more money, it will also enable us to grow intellectually and spiritually.

Money is an Idea

The paper you fold and place in your purse or pocket is not money. It is paper with ink on it. It represents money, but it is not money. Money is an idea. The earning of money has nothing to do with the paper stuff, it has to do with consciousness.

To accumulate wealth, a person must become very comfortable with the idea of money. That may sound strange, however most people are not comfortable with the idea of money, which is why they do not have any. The cause of poverty is poverty consciousness. A poverty consciousness will cause a person to see, hear, think and feel … lack and limitation.

The late Mike Todd said, ”Being broke is a temporary situation. Being poor is a mental state.”

He was correct. There are wealthy people who lose every cent they have through a series of mistakes in judgment, but that does not make them poor. They will have it all back in a short time because of their prosperity consciousness.

Many years ago, George Bernard Shaw expressed his thoughts on money. People have such strong views on both of these statements, I purposely use them in my seminars to cause the attendees to think.

1. It is the duty of every person to be rich.
2. It is a sin to be poor.

Before you reject these as being ridiculous, let’s analyze them. To fully understand what Shaw was saying, you must have an open mind. There is a law that states everything is moving, absolutely nothing rests. You are either moving ahead in life or going in reverse … growing or dying … creating or disintegrating, becoming richer or poorer.

The Most Important Universal Law for Becoming Wealthy

There is another law to which people often refer in many different ways … Karmic Law … Sowing and Reaping … Cause and Effect … Action, Re-Action. How you refer to this law is of little importance relative to your understanding of how it works.

The thoughts, feelings, and actions that you express in life are seeds that you sow. The conditions, circumstances and things that come into your life are the harvest you reap as a RESULT of the seeds that you sow. For a moment, store this information in the back of your mind while we investigate the deeper understanding of the words SIN and MONEY.

Sin is … transgression of the law. Violating the law is a sin and, in truth, the price of sin is death. That does not mean your heart will stop beating, but it does mean you will regress. I previously mentioned there is a law that states you will either create or disintegrate, you will grow or die. When you attempt to ”get” without giving, you are trying to reap the harvest without sowing the seeds, and it will not work.

Now let’s look at ”money.” What is it? Money is a reward you receive for the service you render; the more valuable the service, the greater the reward. Attempting to ”get” money without providing service is also a violation of the law.

We Are Here to Serve Each Other

Shaw believed you and I are here to serve one another. Thinking of ways we can be of greater service will enable us to grow intellectually and spiritually. It is our duty to serve and money is a reward we receive for that service. If a person has received their money in an unlawful manner – by law, they must pay the price; you reap what you sow.

In light of the laws that govern our universe, what Shaw said is correct. However, if a person is not consciously thinking, Shaw’s statements would appear very callous, even ridiculous. Personally, I believe Shaw made those statements the way he did, to provoke people to think.

Quite simply, what Shaw was emphasizing was the importance of our own responsibility in the quest for abundance. Abundance is something we magnetize ourselves to … we draw it into our lives … in every aspect our lives. Business associates, friends, everything we want will come into our life by law, not luck. You are either attracting or repelling good. It is your own consciousness that ultimately determines your results.

”Money is in consciousness and it must be earned.” If you want to improve your financial position in life, focus your attention on creating a higher level of prosperity consciousness. Begin by preparing a powerful, positive affirmation and fuel it with emotion. When you do this, you are depositing this creative energy in the treasury of your subconscious mind. And, by repeating this process over and over and over again every day, it will begin to alter your conditioning and mentally move you in the direction you want to go. Write it out, read it, feel it, and let it take hold of your mind.

How much money do you want? Saying you want more is not good enough. Five dollars is more. How much more? Decide on a figure. Be specific. You will not seriously want more money than you are capable of earning … however, you would be wise to remember, you must earn it.

There are Three Income Earning Stategies

  • Trading time for money – By far the worst of the three income earning strategies, it is employed by approximately 96% of our population – doctors, lawyers, accountants, laborers, etc. There is an inherent problem with this strategy – saturation. You run out of time. If a person accumulates any degree of wealth employing this strategy, it will be at the expense of a life. They compromise on the car they drive, the house they live in, the clothes they choose and the vacations they take. They rarely, if ever, get what they want.
  • Investing money to earn money – This strategy is used by approximately 3% of the population. The number is small for the obvious reason – very few people have any money to invest. Many people who effectively employ this strategy follow the advice of a trusted, knowledgeable advisor.
  • Leveraging yourself to earn money – This is where you multiply your time through the efforts of others by setting up Multiple Sources of Income (MSIs). This is, without question, the very best way to increase your income. Make a decision to have many sources of income; it’s the strategy that wealthy people have used dating clear back to the ancient Babylonians. Unfortunately, this strategy is only used by approximately 1% of our population, yet that 1% earns approximately 96% of all the money that is earned! You are only a decision away from membership.

Once you determine how much money you want to earn, write it down on a sheet of paper in large figures. Look at the number with the dollar sign beside it and tell yourself over and over again:


Take the total figure and divide it into multiple parts. Let each part represent a source of income. Each source of income represents a separate reward that you would receive for a service you would render. Work on one source of income at a time; each one can become an exciting part of your life.

  • Think of how you can do whatever you do – more effectively.
  • Think of how you can improve the quality and quantity of service you render.
  • Think of how you can help people in a greater way.

Money is a servant; the more you earn, the more you can help others.

And finally God created Man!

GOD created the DONKEY and told him, “You will work tireless from sunrise up to sunset, carrying heavy bags on your back, you will eat grass. You will not have intelligence and you will live 50 years. You will be a DONKEY!”

The DONKEY answered, “I will be a DONKEY, but living 50 years is too much, give me only 20 years!”  And GOD gave him 20 years.

GOD then created DOG and told him, “You will look after man’s house, you will be his best friend, you will eat whatever they give you and you will live 25years, You will be a DOG!”

The DOG answered, “GOD, living 25 years is too much, give only 10 years!” And GOD gave him 10 years.

GOD created the MONKEY and told him, “You will jump from branch to branch you will do silly things, you will be amusing and you will live 20 years, you will be a MONKEY!”

The MONKEY answered, “GOD, living 20 years is too much , give me only 10 years!” And GOD gave him 10 years.

Finally … ,

GOD created MAN and told him, “you will be a MAN … the only rational being on this earth and you will use your intelligence to control other animals, you will dominate the world and you will live for 20 years.”

The MAN answered, “GOD I will be a man but living 20 years is not enough, why don’t you give me the 30 years that the DONKEY refused, the 15 years that the DOG didn’t want and the 10 years that the MONKEY refused.”

That was exactly what GOD did, and since then …

MAN lives 20 years like a MAN, then he gets married and spends 30 years like a DONKEY, working and carrying the load on his back. Then, when his children leave he spends 15 years like DOG looking after the house and eating whatever is given to him. Then he gets old, retires and spends 10 years like a MONKEY, jumping from house to house or from children to children, doing silly things to amuse his grandchildren!